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Welcome to Rag Land!

This website is a catalog of my patchwork brain; stuffed with hobbies and interests of all kinds. I hope you have fun clicking around :)

Site Update: December 12, 2024 -- It's been a while! My vision for the site has changed again. I'm very into collecting and curating things (especially old crafts) and I've been contemplating how to express that and share it with the world. I've decided to dedicate this website to that mission. I may add other things in the future, but that's what I want to focus on now. :)

July 25, 2024 -- I'm a vibes-based individual, so I've decided to divide the site into sections based on different moods. Instead of "curating a consistent personal brand" I'd like to make it a truer reflection of myself, because it will become a truer reflection of my art, too. This will take some time, so the changes may take a while to appear, but I'll have a lot of fun making everything!

Gonna start doing site updates when i change stuff so this welcome page isn't static; July 14, 2024 -- Removed the categories from the art tab and replaced them with "Sketchbook." I jump around to a bunch of media and instead of trying to predict what i'm gonna do, i'll just update it gradually. I like sketching and i have a backlog of stuff i wanna document, so this is best for now.